
5 Helpful Tips To Tackle Insomnia

Sleep is vital to our existence. It allows the body to rebalance our hormones and recharge mentally as well as physically. When you don’t get an adequate amount of sleep, scary things can happen, like a lack of focus, weakened immune system or vulnerability to stress.

When you suffer from insomnia, not only do you suffer from the immediate effects of not getting enough sleep but a frustration in your mood.

If you can’t sleep, don’t lie there worrying about it. Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy again, then go back to bed.


Below are 5 helpful tips that will ease your persistent problem of not being able to fall and stay asleep:

Try to Relax Before Going to Bed
Have a warm bath, listen to quiet music or do some gentle yoga to relax the mind and body. Your doctor may be able to recommend a helpful relaxation CD.

According to Anandi, author of ‘Breathe Better, Sleep Better’, raising your legs against a wall has a “heavenly rejuvenating power and will bring you back to Earth after all that running and rushing.”

Getting your feet in the air and legs against the wall might sound a little too fun to be an effective relaxation tool, but it’s a pose commonly used in yoga because it can help everything “calm down, including the mind and the nervous system.” Known as Viparita Karani by yogis, this pose is commonly said to improve blood circulation, boost the lymphatic system, and be stress and anxiety relieving.

Write Away Worries
If you tend to lie in bed thinking about everything you have to do tomorrow, set aside time before bedtime to make plans for the next day. The aim is to avoid doing these things when you’re in bed, trying to sleep.

Exercise regularly
Moderate exercise on a regular basis, such as swimming or walking, can help relieve some of the tension built up over the day. Make sure that you don’t do vigorous exercise, such as running or the gym, too close to bedtime, because it may keep you awake.

Cut Down on Caffeine
Cut down on caffeine in tea, coffee, energy drinks or colas, especially in the evening. Caffeine interferes with the process of falling asleep and also prevents deep sleep. Instead, have a warm, milky drink or herbal tea.

Make sure your bed is comfortable
It’s difficult to get restful sleep on a mattress that’s too soft or too hard, or a bed that’s too small or old.Just imagine getting back to your home after a long stressful day to find a well-laid bed with a glowing bedspread in a peaceful room with temperature, lighting and noise control, tell me how you wouldn’t sleep and stay asleep.

If lack of sleep is persistent and affecting your daily life, make an appointment to see your doctor.

Breathe BettercaffeineInsomniaSleep Better
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