
6 Tricks To Help You Stop Snoring

Do you snore? Does your partner snore? Get in here!

Snoring can be disruptive for both you and those you sleep with.

According to experts, snoring occurs when the flow of air in your breathing makes the tissues in the back of your throat vibrate. Sometimes snoring can be associated with of some alignment like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. That’s why some experts will advise that losing weight is the first step to stop snoring.


However, if you have a healthy weight and still snore, try one or more of these home remedies:

1. Change Your Sleep Position: When you lie on your back, you create pressure on the throat causing a vibrating sound during sleep. If you normally sleep on your back, try rolling onto your side.

Sleeping with a body pillow will help support your entire body and provides an easy fix. It enables you to maintain sleeping on your side and can make a dramatic difference.

2. Avoid Alcohol And Sedatives: Alcohol relaxes most people, and because snoring occurs when the throat and tongue is relaxed, alcohol can add to the problem due to the extreme relaxed state it may cause. This could actually make your snoring worse. Limit your alcohol consumption or avoid it altogether to get a much better night’s sleep.

3. Peppermint: Inhaling soothing herbs like peppermint can help open up your airways and clear your sinuses.

Add 3- 5 drops of peppermint essential oil to your humidifier before going to bed, it will relief congestion in the nasal passageways.

4. Turmeric: The bright yellow spice has antiseptic and antibiotic properties that target inflammation and reduce snoring.

Take 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of warm milk thirty minutes before bed.

5. Try Regular Throat and Tongue Exercises: A stronger throat and tongue may help avoid over-relaxation of the throat area. Try putting your upper and lower molars gently together. Open your mouth, focusing on pressing your molars wide apart but not to the point of overstretching. Repeat this 10–15 times, and you will start to feel the back of your mouth opening up.

6. Yogic breathing. This type of breathing maximizes your oxygen intake. Everyday Roots claims this type of breathing is used to treat sleep disorders and is wonderfully relaxing.

To do it, breath in slowly and deeply through your nose. Pause for a moment when your lungs are full and you can’t bring in anymore air. Then slowly, with your tongue pressing on the roof of your closed mouth, push the air out from the back of your throat. It should have the soothing sound of crashing waves.

healthy livingPeppermintSnoringStop SnoringTurmeric
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