
Abia Seeks Protection For Infrastructure With “Dig Once” Policy

Governor Alex Otti of Abia State has signed the “Dig Once” policy, establishing clear guidelines for installing underground broadband infrastructure within the state. This policy aims to achieve two key objectives: safeguarding road infrastructure and enhancing efficiency in infrastructure projects across Abia.

During a ceremony held in Umuahia, Governor Otti emphasized the significance of the policy. It streamlines the process for companies involved in excavation and cable laying, minimizing redundant efforts and preventing damage to existing underground infrastructure. This, in turn, ensures uninterrupted internet services.

“The ‘Dig Once’ policy will drastically reduce unnecessary losses arising from the destruction of underground cables and infrastructure, preventing disruptions in internet services,” Otti explained.


This policy is a collaborative effort between various government ministries, including Digital Economy, SMEs, Science & Technology, and Works. It demonstrates the government’s commitment to harnessing the potential of high-speed internet and telecommunications services.

“We aim to make high-speed internet widely accessible, facilitating the adoption of smart business practices, fostering innovation, and expanding access to global markets,” Otti stated.

He further highlighted that the policy supports young people in Abia who are actively embracing digital opportunities.

Governor Otti urged companies involved in telecommunications, utilities, and construction, along with individuals performing excavation near utility corridors, to cooperate with the government to ensure adherence to the policy.

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