
Boris Johnson Questions BBC’s Funding

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the way the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is funded is questionable.

Boris made this known on Monday.

According to him, “the future of the funding of the BBC should be placed into question as it is unclear that the broadcaster should continue to be supported with public money.


The BBC is primarily funded by an annual television license fee which is paid for by all British households, companies, and organizations using any type of equipment to receive or record live television broadcasts.

The media company is arguably the biggest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with over 30,000 staff strength globally.

Reuters said that Johnson had questioned whether the system was fit for the modern age.

“I’m under pressure not to extemporize policy on the hoof. But you have to ask yourself whether that kind of approach to funding a TV, a media organization makes sense in the long-term, given the way other organizations manage to fund themselves.

“The system of funding out of what is effectively a general tax bears reflection… how long can you justify a system whereby everybody who has a TV has to pay to fund a particular set of TV and radio channels, that is the question,” he said.

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