
Google Stops All Ads Dismissing Or Condoning Russia-Ukraine Conflict

American multinational tech company, Google, has announced that it will halt all advertisements containing content that exploits, dismiss, or condone the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The company said it will not help websites, apps, or YouTube channels that put out content of that nature in selling ads.

According to Reuters, a spokesperson for Google confirmed that they are employing new measures as it pertains to the war.


“We can confirm that we’re taking additional steps to clarify, and in some instances expand our monetization guidelines as they relate to the war in Ukraine,” Google spokesman Michael Aciman said.

Google had barred ads from appearing next to content that incites violence and denies tragic events and the company has made it clear that it is broadly applying those policies to the war.

In an email to publishers, Google said ads would not run alongside, for example, “claims that imply victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar instances of victim-blaming, such as claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens.”

Google, whose advertising software helps publishers generate revenue, also barred ads that capitalize on sensitive events and has applied that policy to the war.

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