
Hermaphrodite Impregnates Self, Gives Birth To Hermaphrodite Twins

“We are privileged to experience such an unusual birth” he told reporters, visibly happy with the turn of events. “Hundreds of people have come to witness these miracles of nature. Both babies are extremely healthy and vibrant with life,” he explained with enthusiasm.

Jose Maria Garcia, the mother and father of the two children, admits the birth was not expected at all. “I have never had any sexual experience with someone outside of myself. I was unaware that I could impregnate myself, but I would never go back even with what I know now. These children are beautiful and I am happy to share my life with them,” he told reporters.

Most experts believe such an occurrence is impossible outside of the animal kingdom, although many cases of human self-fertilization have been reported in medical literature, explains leading researcher Dr. Akira Hashimoto of the University of Tokyo. “In asexual reproduction, an organism can reproduce without the involvement of another organism. Asexual reproduction is not limited to single-celled organisms. For example, a great number of snails and slugs are hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditism is also found in some fish species and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates,” he acknowledges. “The evolution of s*xual reproduction is still a major puzzle for biologists,” he admits.



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  • Raciella

    How can I find a doctor if I was born a hormaphidite as well an of asexual
