
How To Get Over A Breakup – Vlogger

Getting over a breakup, for some people, can be the hardest thing to do. This is largely due to the positive memorable experiences people have of their loved ones when the going was good.

Your mind no longer releases the feel-good chemicals that it once released every time you saw that old lover of yours, all of which leads to a sick feeling in your stomach.

For most people, this shift may lead them to behaviours that are uncharacteristic of them and even ‘crazy’ as they try to win their lovers back, even when they know they’re not good for them.


However, a video posted on Youtube by a relationship and lifestyle vlogger, Mrs. Tolulope Adejumo, highlights ways to get over a nasty breakup and the strategies that worked for her.

In the video, Adejumo stated that there are three stages of breakups.

The first stage is when a man breaks a woman’s heart: “typically it’s the men that get to break the hearts of women, I have had my heart broken thrice but not again.”

She highlighted the second category to be when a lady ends the relationship, adding that they usually don’t call it a break-up, because “we women are so theoretical and detailed.”

Finally the third is mutual agreement, where both parties come together and decide that things are not working so it’s best they end the relationship.

“I have had this very experience so I would say it hurts because you will still feel broken.”

Talking about her breakup experiences, she said: “I feel like I have been in different side of the spectrum, the first was when I left the university but I did not feel anything, maybe because I jumped into another relationship right after that.”

The vlogger further stated that her second breakup was so liberating for her because she took it as an opportunity to end the “suffering” she passed through in the hands of the man that broke her heart.

However, no matter how traumatic a breakup could be, with time those painful emotions should make you a stronger person.

Heart BreakloveRelationships
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