
How Your Weight Affects Your Bedroom Skills

Focus on creating healthy habits in your life and don’t let your health keep you from enjoying one of life’s greatest life pleasures.

How does being overweight affect your bedroom prowess? If you have the following bedroom weakness, it might be connected to your weight.

1. Low confidence: There is nothing sexier than a confident man or woman. Your weight can kill your confidence if it’s not where you want it to be. Great sex requires confidence in yourself and what you’re doing. You can’t be confident if the only thought on your mind is how to lose weight. The lack of confidence can make you feel like less of a man.


2. Low energy: What you eat and how active you are through exercise affects your energy levels. Everyone have a different kind of sex life, but all of them still require energy, especially for those longer sessions. If you are overweight or out of shape, you won’t enjoy it as much because the energy isn’t there.

3. Not into it: If you are worried about what your partner is thinking, or your thoughts are caught up in your weight, you can’t let go. Your thoughts should be focused on who you’re with and the pleasure of the experience can bring. Your weight can cloud the healthy thoughts that allow you to fully enjoy sex.

If you struggle with your weight, take the journey to change one day at a time.

Focus on creating healthy habits in your life. Don’t let your health keep you from enjoying one of life’s greatest pleasures.

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