
Online Flirting – How Far Is Too Far?

What happens when flirting online turns into infidelity? How would you react if you learned your partner had sex outside your relationship with someone he or she flirted online?

We have become somewhat desensitized to the shock of finding out about infidelity by the frequency with which it is portrayed on television and reported in the media about Politicians, Pastors, Lecturers and even Nollywood celebrities.

This doesn’t mean the discovery of infidelity is not painful. It means that some people are treating infidelity in a similar way to how we now look at alcoholism or other human failings–for example, that, depending on the circumstances, it may be something that the person can apologize for, overcome with treatment and not repeat.


In a recent survey that I stumbled upon, this question was asked to the respondents: “What if you could have one night with somebody outside your committed relationship and it would have no effect on you, your relationship or family. As if that one night never happened…would you do it?” An outstanding 82% of the respondents (male & female) answered emphatic YES

I acknowledge that as people age, and the relationship goes on, they often look wistfully back at sexual adventure and miss the “good old days.” They don’t always follow their sexual yearnings but if they could get away with a sexual opportunity with total security against exposure or relationship consequences, a lot more of them would take advantage of an opportunity. Not everyone would of course, but a rather eye-opening percentage have basically said that their desire for variety remains –even if fear of hurting a relationship or someone they love keeps then in check.


Written by Young Ozogwu

Follow on Twitter @youngies

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