
Paris Gets First Sex Doll Brothel

France’s first sex doll brothel has opened in Paris as a growing number of men appear to prefer dolls to real women.

The brothel invites potential clients to fulfil their fantasies using three silicone dolls (Lily, Sofia, and Kim).

According to Forbes, each doll has been pimped with her profile on the brothel’s website platform for prospective clients purusal.

The brothel management says that the website is their shop and that any potential client or existing customer has to book any of the sex dolls on the internet.

It said clients can get a custom-made experience with the dolls through enhancements at an additional cost. The additional experience tools include a virtual reality handset that will cost you $25 which is N9000.

The brothel’s website also has FAQ section which discloses all the features that are provided in the facility.

Some of the features, according to the report, include areas for private relaxation which are equipped with an audio or virtual reality handset and a TV screen.

The management says the additional features are meant to make the customers appointment at the brothel comfortable where they can spend their free time with the dolls.

After a customer has booked an appointment with a particular doll, they receive an email for confirmation which must be presented at the facility at the address that has been given. After disclosing the email, one of the brothel’s receptionists will offer guidance to the customer to the relaxation area with the sex doll that was previously booked.

The unusual brothel was opened by the presenters of TV show Spuiten en Slikken (Shoot and Swallow), a controversial show about drugs and sex on Dutch public television.

Sex dolls are not just in competition with girlfriends but also with sex workers.

Sex DollSex Doll Brothel
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