
Women Who Voted Against Hillary Polled Against Their Own Voice – Michelle Obama

Former American first lady Michelle Obama says women who voted for President Donald Trump over his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton went against their “authentic voice” in the November 2016 presidential election.

The former FLOTUS made the remarks at an the Inbound 2017 conference in Boston, Massachussets on Wednesday.

“Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice,” she said.


“What does it mean for us as women that we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, that guy, he’s better for me, his voice is more true to me.

“Well, to me that just says you don’t like your voice. You like the thing you’re told to like.”

Obama however said she hopes that President Trump succeeds and is treated better than the Republicans treated her husband, former President Barack Obama, while he was in office.

“We want the sitting President to be successful because we live in this country. He is our commander in chief, he was voted in.

“It is very difficult to lead when you have a peanut gallery of people who don’t know what they’re talking about second-guessing what you do.

“When you’ve been in that position, you see that most formers do take a step back, they do let the current holder of the office lead. You do step up when you’re asked, and you do try to make sure what you say is constructive.

“Now, like I said, there was a whole party that didn’t do that for my husband, a whole political party that did not, but what we’ve learned is part of our legacy is leading with grace,” she added.

She further threw a shade at Trump, saying her husband Barack Obama will not respond to everything on Twitter without knowing the implications.

“Barack is not going to turn into what this President was, which is somebody tweeting in the wind and stirring up mess without really knowing what they’re talking about,” she said.

Michelle and Barack Obama have stayed largely out of the political fray since after leaving office in January.

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