
World’s Oldest Couple Celebrate 90th Anniversary

Karam Chand, 110, and his wife Kartari Chand, 103, tied the knot 90 years ago in a Sikh ceremony in India in 1925, and came to Bradford in 1965.

They took the title of oldest married couple when they celebrated their 88th wedding anniversary and were looking to reach 90-year mark ever since.

Kartari and Karim have eight children, 27 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.


Speaking at the anniversary, Mr. Chand said: “It is a blessing to have been married and to have lived this long. Life and marriage is all about happiness, it is what is most important.

“We are happy to have been able to enjoy this day with our family. Occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays see our family come together and that makes us very happy.”

They live with their youngest son Paul, his wife and two of their four children.

Paul said, “To be aged 110 and to be so healthy is a huge milestone for anyone. We are still trying to come up with names for what you would call a 90th anniversary, as it is such an achievement.

“I am also proud of my whole for family for helping us keep my parents in such good health. It is a blessing to have them still around and to have them still telling me what to do.”

The two local celebrities also led their community in the annual Girlington Parade.

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