COVID-19: Couples Should Wear Face Masks During Sex, Experts Advise

A study conducted by Harvard University has concluded that the safest way to have corona-sex if you are worried your partner could have the virus is for the couple to wear surgical masks.

According to a report by The Sun, the study found that abstinence (no sex at all) was  the safest sexual position, followed by masturbation, but things like corona-kissing would spread the virus like wildfire.


The scientists .said that sex with people from your own household and those from other households were  ‘high risk.’ 

They also  recommended wearing condoms as another study showed that some men had  traces of the virus in their semen.

The study also advised that  showering before and after sex and “cleaning of the physical space with soap or alcohol wipes,” could cutting transmission rate.

The study’s lead researcher, Dr Jack Turban, said, “For some patients, complete abstinence from in-person sexual activity is not an achievable goal. In these situations, having sex with persons with whom they are self-quarantining is the safest approach.”


The study said: “Some groups, including sexual and gender minority (SGM) communities, may be particularly vulnerable to sexual stigma, given the historical trauma of other pandemics, such as AIDS.

It added, “For the population at large, a recommendation of long-term sexual abstinence is unlikely to be effective, given the well-documented failures of abstinence-based public health interventions and their likelihood to promote shame.”

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