Weekend Extra:Gyneacologists Talk Sex During Pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy is good for both you and baby: It can help you sleep better, lower your blood pressure and even make you happier..

But what are the rules for sex during pregnancy? How often should you have sex when pregnant?


In a review of the literature on postpartum sexual dysfunction, Medical experts who spoke to THE WHISTLER said 90% of women resumed sex by three to four months postpartum, and sex is usually painful for the first one to two months but improved with time.

A specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Doctor Bright Jack, however said sex in pregnancy is generally encouraged because humans have sex for fun, not only for procreation.

He further explained that as pregnancy progresses , women are super turned on and orgasm becomes easier than pre-pregnancy stage.

“Not only are the hormones doing a number on their libido, but all of the extra blood flow from pregnancy can actually make their vulva and clitoris engorged and extra-sensitive because of the exaggerated response to increased pregnancy hormones.”


On the frequency of sex during pregnancy, a Medical Doctor, Dr. Obotamah David, said sex during pregnancy varies widely with a tendency to decrease with advancing gestational age.

“This may be attributable to nausea, fear of miscarriage, fear of harming the fetus, lack of interest, discomfort, physical awkwardness, fear of membrane rupture, fear of infection or fatigue.”

He explained that libido and sexual satisfaction may also be negatively affected by a woman’s self-perception of decreased attractiveness and pregnancy itself, as it is a hyperestrogenic( excessive amount of estrogenic activity in the body) state.

“Typically, as pregnancy progresses, there is a decrease in the achievement of orgasm and sexual satisfaction, and an increase in painful intercourse.

“There’s a popular belief that sex helps initiate labor, but there’s limited scientific evidence to confirm or refute this. But all in all sex is considered safe in pregnancy so long as the woman can tolerate it and she has no contradictions”


When should you return to sex after pregnancy?

Dr. David said the period of stay after delivery is largely dependent on maternal factors.

“Early sex after pregnancy could result in painful intercourse ( the most common),disruption of sutures, infection, dehiscence, bleeding and hematoma, or fistula formation.”

He explained that these complications have been found to be more common after third- or fourth-degree lacerations(cut on the skin) or mid-line episiotomies, or in patients with endometritis(inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus).

“However, most of these postpartum complications occur within the first two weeks, and very few women are comfortable enough to have sex until the perineum is healed.”

He however advised that If there were no perineal injuries, return to sexual intercourse will be quick, adding that this is also largely dependent on maternal factors.


“No perineal injuries after child pain and there’s no pain on intercourse, then proceed. I usually advise them to hold up till during their post natal visit, when the doctor checks them and if all is good ,discharges them to family planning clinic.

” Just like every other person ,a pregnant woman who has no Comorbidity and who’s pregnancy doesn’t pose a threat to sex, should enjoy sex as it is safe”

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