Overworking Linked To Type-2 Diabetes In Women

Research has revealed that Women who spend more than 45 hours working every week are more exposed to getting type- 2- diabetes.

Limiting the study to women, Peter Smith from the Institute for Work and Health in Toronto said women do not stop working even after they leave the office as they have to take on other responsibilities at home.


In relation to their counterparts who spend about 40 hours or less, the study also showed that when an individual is overworked, it causes a stress response that leads to hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance which leads to the development of diabetes in the long run.

“It’s important to understand that the work environment does play an increased role in the risk of type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases. Working long hours is not a healthy thing to do.

“If you look at time spent outside of work, women do more care of household members and more routine housework. The only thing women don’t do more of is watching TV and exercising,” Smith added.

He further explained that obesity and jobs that require an individual to sit in one place all the time can also increase the risk of an individual having a type- 2-diabetes.

Meanwhile, there was no significant link between men’s work hours and type- 2-diabetes.

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