Trump Supporters Storm Washington DC As Congress Decides Next U.S. President

In a last-ditch effort to upturn the November 3 presidential election won by Joe Biden, supporters of the United States President Donald Trump, on Wednesday, stormed Washington DC to protest and pressure the U.S. Congress into overturning the results of the election.

Many of them carry the “Stop The Steal” banners.


Trump himself has sent tweets today(Wednesday), calling on Vice President Mike Pence and the Republican party members to help him out.

Since the November 3 elections of 2020, Trump had alleged that the polls were rigged against him, but several courts had thrown out his lawsuits.

Pence is overseeing the final phase of the vote certification process with members of the US Congress.

The process is ongoing.


But many Twitter users are seeing the end of Trump’s political career.

They argue that Trump has jeopardized the constitution of the U.S thereby putting the country in a tensed situation and weakening the Republican party.

Others, however, believe that Trump is fighting a legitimate course for the good of the nation.

At Georgia, some U.S. media are reporting the Democrats would secure the Senate seat thereby putting the party in a strong position to control the federal legislature at least for the next six years.

Below are some of the reactions on Twitter:


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