Ethiopia Celebrates 79 Years Of Freedom From Italian Army

Ethiopia, on Tuesday, celebrated its 79th year of regaining its sovereignty from Italian annexation.

The country, which had never been colonized, is the second most populous(109 million) in Africa, next to Nigeria.


But in 1936, Italian forces, under the command of General Pietro Badoglio, occupied Addis Ababa, declaring the country part of the Italian Empire.

But the country regained its freedom in 1941 during World War 2.

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed Ali, in a tweet, lauded the country’s ancestors for giving their all to make the nation free.

“We commemorate the brave resistance of our forefathers and foremothers that paved the path to the freedoms we enjoy today; their fight for country & people.


“Their unparalleled commitment to love of Ethiopia demonstrated through the sacrifice of blood & life,” he tweeted.

He said the country would keep growing stronger and more united.

“Not for mere glory; but for a united and sovereign Ethiopia,” he added.

He urged citizens to see themselves as their brother’s keeper, as the country moved towards its glorious destiny.

“May we learn from our history and have the courage to see growth were others see despair; love where others spin hate; and abundance where others see scarcity. I salute our patriots!,”he tweeted.


The African Union has its headquarters at the nation’s capital.

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