UAE To Grant Citizenship To Scientists From Nigeria, Others

The Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on Saturday, disclosed that it has amended its nationality laws, saying it will now offer citizenship and passports to scientists and investors from foreign countries, including Nigeria.


The UAE President, Mohammed bin Rashid, disclosed this in a statement while the UAE Embassy in Nigeria retweet it.

The Government explained that it took the decision so as to attract huge intellectual property to the country in order to transform it to a highly developed state.

Mohamed also said that the UAE had a progressive plan to enhance “its presence in all fields.”

Furthermore, he added that those fortunate to get the grant will also maintain dual citizenship.


“We adopted law amendments that allow granting the UAE citizenship to investors, specialized talents & professionals including scientists, doctors, engineers, artists, authors and their families. The new directives aim to attract talents that contribute to our development journey.

“The UAE cabinet, local Emiri courts and executive councils will nominate those eligible for the citizenship under clear criteria set for each category. The law allows receivers of the UAE passport to keep their existing citizenship,” he tweeted.

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