Scientist Recommends Eating Human Flesh To Fight Climate Change

A Swedish scientist, Magnus Soderlund, has recommended consuming dead bodies – cannibalism – as a solution to fighting climate change.

Soderlund argues that eating dead bodies may help to combat global climate change and save the human race from its impact.


The scientist, who is a professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, made the call during a session at the Gastro Summit in Stockholm tagged “Can You Imagine Eating Human Flesh?”.

Soderlund said if only a world society can “awaken the idea,” the world would over time stop seeing cannibalism as taboo.

The scientist believes that if put to practice, cannibalism can help the world achieve food sustainability in the nearest future.

Soderland had been asked in an interview with Sweden’s TV4 on if he was open to eating human flesh, he responded: “I feel somewhat hesitant but to not appear overly conservative … I’d have to say … I’d be open to at least tasting it.”


Meanwhile, the Papua New Guinea tribe had put an end to the cultural practice of eating their dead in 1960 after it resulted to an epidemic of a disease called Kuru, also known as laughing death.

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